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S.H. Chen


Phone: +886 922-116275


Strictly speaking, starting to think about the use of watercolor as a medium of creation should begin in the fall of 2004, 60 years old that year, just retired from the textile industry.

Looking back on the first half of my life, although I haven’t shown any special interest in art since I was a child, I usually only occasionally pick up paper and pens during the summer vacation. I can’t say that I’m serious about learning art, but maybe The art performance among the classmates was slightly prominent. It was once assigned to represent the school to participate in the off-campus art competition. After leaving the school, it was natural to leave the art.

After retiring, I have thought that painting should be an interest that I will not interrupt in the future, but since it has been interrupted for 45 years, today's materials and tools are completely strange, so I have to start from scratch. In 2005, I began to participate in the Hsieh Ming Chang watercolor classroom about three and a half years, I started to learn from the basics and started the fun of retirement.

The source of early creative inspiration, mainly from photos of relatives, friends, family traveling around the world. Finally, I create it in a watercolor way, some of the later works try to match the colors in memory from the historical black and white old photos, showing the old Taiwanese landscape in retro colors. This watercolor gallery displays some of the works to date. In addition to my personal review, I also look forward to sharing with the rest of the world.

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